Reflection about art

Growing up in the environment of a painting workshop where I could play with colours without the worry of staining floors and dirtying walls, I have always considered as a prodigious chance, which united to the love of understanding parents and certain propensity to the withdrawal leads me inevitably to the world of painting.

I never denied a single day of that beginning; on the contrary, many years before a life dedicated to the painting, sometimes I year for the spontaneity and the magic feeling in which those first plays were produced. Packing spaces with figures and colours, I created an own world where all my dreams could be true and I never was alone.

The excuse of life makes almost impossible that that fact is repeated. The tradition of the Renaissance ateliers does not exist today, where, the apprentice, before long years in contact with the trade and the materials, began master. Sometimes I foster the visit of Fine Arts students of a remarkable intellectual formation and with ideas very clear of that they pretend to get in the world of Art.

To express, to give a message, to create new languages, to change the world with their contribution to the art, are admirable goals… but almost always I stumble with the lack of a real love to the humble trade of painter.

Painting is also feeling the mystery of colours, the magic of the pigments, the drunkenness of the smell of the varnishes… If a person does not give oneself to the alchemy of the matter, he hardly will surpass the level of the theory.

However, experiencing techniques and matters is not enough, I know it. This is in principle to unite the life to that, that every feeling vibrates in one colour, that its images collect the love, the suffering, the doubts, the illusions, the plenitude of the existence. If this miracle happens, we have the true artist and the sensitive souls recognise him immediately.

Advancement: In the next blog entry I will speak about the technique and the creating process of one of my works of art that disappeared mysteriously…

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